Linnenbrink’s talent lies in using color as an autonomous energy and pursuit. The artist’s faith is in the process of painting, embracing a degree of arbitrariness and chance. In this new body of works, Linnenbrink has extended his past vocabulary of mark-making. Playing off the earlier drilled resin works, the artist has added a new series he refers to as the über-drilled series. The surface layer of colored resin is drilled through until it is almost obliterated, and inside and outside shift places. His signature mark of color-saturated drips and stripes is still present, along with the routed and drilled works. Each successive body of works produced by this artist has become more authoritative and nuanced, without losing the exuberance for which this work is known.
Markus Linnenbrink has exhibited at The Aldrich Museum, Connecticut, UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, and Museum Katharinehof, Kranenburg, Germany. In 2004, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art acquired a major painting for its collection. The artist’s wall installations, paintings and sculptures are in numerous international private collections.